Tag Archives: ECD

New Online-Demo support pages

Online demonstration or netstrike is a legitimate form of non-violent protest, an act of electronic civil disobedience (ECD). It’s a direct mass action with which an institution or a cooperation is put under pressure so that it ends its unethical or criminal actions. Within the electronic, digital environment, ECD tries to interrupt information flows and capital flows on carefully selected websites / web servers, but without damaging files or hardware systems.

It is your right to join an online demonstration. Computer tools of dissent are like a virtual flashmob – the temporary suspension of a site’s service or the spread of its databases hasn’t to be considered a violent action and it don’t produce an irreparable damage.

Our Online Demonstration User Support pages are offering a wide range of short tutorials and software tools. Our Support pages provide materials and help for organizing or participating in online demonstration actions. Everything is centered on one page where you find links to guides on the use of proxies, Tor Browser, VPN, email encryption, iMacros scripts and a full anti-censorship package. Use the contact form if you have a comment, want to contribute a link of another ECD page or if you want to ask for support of your own online action project using the online-demo software.

Visit the new Online-Demo User Support:
Please add the page to your bookmarks / favorites.

Join the new Netzdemo Wiki

We launched the new Netzdemo Wiki on wikidot.com in October 2021. Meanwhile most pages from the previous FANDOM Netzdemo Wiki have been moved to the new place. The new Netzdemo Wiki is in the WikiMedia style which resembles the classical Wikipedia look. We continue with writing in German language. It will become the biggest German encyclopedia on net activism and history of online demonstrations. Currently, the wiki contains 83 pages on different aspects of net activism and digital resistance – and still growing. The wiki is open and anyone can become a member. If you want to be part of this exciting work, please join the new Netzdemo Wiki at wikidot.com:


FANDOM has closed the former Netzdemo Wiki first in October 2021, without any notice. After posting a complaint to the (German) FANDOM community, it was re-opened but is threatened to be closed again. The reason given by the FANDOM help team was:

„Wikis with very few calls will be closed if your topic and the previous growth suggest that in the future no (significant) growth is to be expected.“

FANDOM agreed to keep the wiki open until the end of 2021. Netzdemo Wiki existed on Wikia/FANDOM since August 2008. It was finally closed on New Year’s Eve.

Netzdemo Wiki now on wikidot

FANDOM closed the Netzdemo Wiki some days ago without any further notice. After filing a complaint to the FANDOM community, it was re-opened but is threatened to be closed again if traffic statistics of the wiki pages show little interest. Netzdemo Wiki existed on Wikia/FANDOM since August 2008 and is the biggest collection of information on net activism in German language. The most common reason for closing wikis seems to be inactivity. However, Netzdemo Wiki was not inactive, it was steadily growing over the years, but the user community was very small from the beginning and only very few were writing or editing wiki entries.

FANDOM (originally Wikicities, and later Wikia) was a new platform that built off the core technology powering Wikipedia. We experience the closure of Netzdemo Wiki as kind of commercially motivated censorship. FANDOM is very much centered on gaming and entertainment. In reality they focus not on the wikis but more on their costumers, who they calls „fans“, meaning gaming-addicted people. We speculate that FANDOM wanted to get rid of some wikis with critical content.

We create the Netzdemo Wiki again – this time on Wikidot. The layout is now in the WikiMedia style which more resembles the classical Wikipedia look. We continue with writing in German language. It will become the biggest German encyclopedia on net activism and history of online demonstrations. It will take some time to move the wiki pages to the new place – but it’s worth it. The wiki is open and anyone can become a member.

If you want to be part of this exciting work, please join the new Netzdemo Wiki at wikidot:


Prank the big data economy

Information is an important resource for companies to control customers, to prescribe the strategies of other companies and draw scenarios for the financial market. The creation of flexible marketing strategies, which are geared to each individual customer, is a central aspect of profitability. That’s why the constant control and traceability of individual behavior of each individual are so valuable for big data companies. Google, as one example, generates its enormous profits by spying on, selling, sold and targeted advertising the habits of Internet users.

Many actions have already taken place, such as diffusing fake press releases, but they usually had as main goal the creation of awareness over an issue, denouncing the policy of a specific company/institution, detouring the dominant discourse and unmasking the daily order of things. Other actions involved cracking, blocking servers, defacing websites,or similar are causing serious damage. What activists rarely tried to achieve, however, is causing a negative economical impact by spreading fake information on a company. And doing this may require really simple programming tools, a meticulous study of the „target“, some knowledge of the sector and, sometimes, the help of an „insider“ willing to pass some information, such as templates with the corporate design.

Some ideas for information guerrilla that could work in making them pay and in messing up their business models:

  • Fake news to publish in the media in order to affect the reputation of a company and disrupt its communication strategy.
  • A fake mail from a boss, a public servant, etc can create conflicts or make evident some usually hidden behavior. It can be a powerful weapon of retaliation.
  • A fake press release from a company reporting some fake financial facts in order to affect the stock market.
  • A fake website in corporate design with forged information. Numerous examples from The Yes Men.
    • Let’s share the information and the skills we have to counter attack!
      We can turn their information processes into their sleepless nightmare!

High time for online demonstrations

Happy Earth Day everyone! The world has changed a lot in the past few weeks, and this means the climate movement has had to change too. Mobilizations and climate strikes have had to be cancelled, meetings are being moved online and campaigns are being put on hold. It is vitally important to take urgent action to slow the spread of the corona virus, in order to protect those most vulnerable in our society and to avoid massive hospitalization.

The climate crisis does not take a break even during the pandemic. Earth has already heated up by more than one degree Celsius. The catastrophic consequences for millions of people worldwide can no longer be overlooked. Therefore, commitment to better climate protection is necessary – and possible – even in times of Corona!

There are many things we can do from home, to demonstrate solidarity, fight for justice, and to keep the global climate movement strong. It is high time for online demonstrations!

Global Climate Strike, 24 April 2020
Global Climate Strike: share a photo or video of yourself with the hashtag #ClimateStrikeOnline to keep pushing for climate justice, even if you’re in lockdown or self-isolation. In Germany – join the massive online climate strike organized by Fridays for Future and register now on the strikers‘ online map. There will be a „Livestream for Future“ starting at 12 p.m. In social media use hashtags #FightEveryCrisis and #NetzstreikFürsKlima. Use the profile picture generator from Fridays for Future to get your strike profile picture. More details about the online climate strike in Germany.

Online March against BAYER & Syngenta, 25 April
On April 25 from 2pm to 4pm (UTC +2), we will let Syngenta, BAYER & Co. hear our message on all of their public platforms. Whether as a rating of their apps in the App Store, as a comment in front of their headquarters on Google Maps, as a Facebook post or old school by letter – everyone can participate. Together we will bring the power of 2000 demonstrators together at #WebAgainstSyngenta! More details about #WebAgainstSyngenta here.

Online Protest BAYER general meeting, 28 April
Broadcast time 9:30 a.m. live-online statement from the „coordination against BAYER dangers“ (CBG) and online ralley before the start of the BAYER general meeting (BAYER-HV), with: umbrella organization of critical shareholders, Block BAYER and much more. Online statement by the international protest alliance under hashtag #stopBayerMonsanto to conclude the BAYER-HV (broadcasting time depends on the end of the voting). More information about the online protest against Bayer-Monsanto here.

Netzdemo Wiki still alive

The German-language Netzdemo Wiki was started on 11 August 2008 to document the history of netstrikes, virtual sitins and online-demonstrations and to provide a platform for digital activism and online protest events. Netzdemo Wiki illuminates the contributions of various network activists worldwide and their online activities. The wiki wants to be a place for discussions about practical democracy on the world wide web on topics such as Internet censorship.

The history of netstrikes started in Italy, where in 1994 computers from more than 150 mailboxes were confiscated in nationwide coordinated raids. The crackdown of the mailbox networks in Italy indirectly triggered the netstrikes. In the winter of 1995, administrators of mailboxes, political and media activists met to find strategies for better publicizing their concerns. In 1995, the first ideas for online political activism were developed and implemented. In December 1995, the Italian hacktivist group StranoNet called for participation in the first global netstrike via emails in Italian and English.

It took a while before internet activism became a popular medium for protests in Germany. In March 2001 the anti-rassist initiatives Libertad! and Kein Mensch ist illegal started with the mobilization of an online-demonstration in connection with the deportation.class campaign against the Lufthansa deportation business. According to human rights activists, a total of 13,000 Internet users took part in the protest. Lufthansa had counted a total of 1.2 million page views and announced that the blocking of the booking system had caused economic damage.

Lufthansa and the public prosecutors saw the action as a deliberate coercion and that the call to the online-demonstration was a call to crime. The offices of Libertad! in Frankfurt were searched and computers confiscated – years of investigation followed. The first trial against one of the initiators of the first online-demonstration in Germany ended in June 2005 at the Frankfurt district court with a conviction and a fine of 900 euros. In the days leading up to the trial, the initiative Die Kellerasseln organized a campaign against the expansion plans of Frankfurt airport operator Fraport, to draw attention to this process.

The jurisdiction was rejected by the OLG Frankfurt one year later and the accused was acquitted. Online protest is not a crime!

On July 4th, 2011 a tweet from Libertad! promoted our Netzdemo Wiki:

Currently, the community is working on a new chapter on Digital Resistance about the Electronic Civil Disobedience in the times of big data and mass surveillance in the online and offline world. Feel free to make additions to this growing encyclopedia and help us to expand and supplement the information collection!

New release of ZDEMO ATTAC

Netzdemo Portal proudly announces the new release of ZDEMO ATTAC protest software by KELLERASSELN. This small app runs on Windows PC and allows you to perform a simple DoS attack against a web server (=target) of a company that is found to destroy nature or violates human rights. The current target of internet protest is RWE Power AG and has been selected by the Netzdemo Portal community. By using ZDEMO ATTAC you join the online protests of the Netzdemo Portal community. It runs on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 10. The use of a VPN internet connection during online protest is highly recommended.

You can download ZDEMO ATTAC here.

The original Online Protest Software Kit was built for an online demonstration against lufthansa.com which took place on 20 June 2001. The goal of this tool was to send repeated http requests to the Lufthansa website. In addition it performed more complex transactions, such as creating a user profile, booking of flights, etc. The online demonstration „Deportation Class“ has been organised by Libertad! and „Kein Mensch ist illegal“.

Become part of the Netzdemo Portal Community!

Online Protest against RWE continues

RWE stop deforestation of Hambach Forest and Leave Coal in the Ground!

Join the Online Protest against RWE from here:


The online protest continues until the mass ralley „Save the forest! Stop coal!“ on 6th October 2018 starting at 12 noon at Buir train station, Hambach Forest. The environmental associations BUND, Campact, Greenpeace and NaturFreunde of Germany are calling for the demo to send RWE a clear stop signal before the possible start of deforestation from 15 October 2018. Ende Gelände joins the mass ralley on 6th October with their own action.

Action Update on 4 October 20:00

Until now 50 people have taken part in the Online Demonstration against RWE Power AG, an electronic civil disobedience action!Spread the word and continue the clicking automate – we need to be many!

Here you can see how to allow the pop-up windows in your browser:

Posted at de.indymedia.org:
Online Protest gegen RWE: Stopp Rohdung des Hambacher Forsts

Anonymous Germany blocks RWE website

We at Netzdemo mourn the death of the young journalist, who died on 19 September in the Hambach Forest. The accident happened in the threatening situation by
intervention of the police in the occupied forest. The journalist fell from a tree and died during a police operation. After a moratorium lasting several days, the police continue to clear the tree houses in the Hambach Forest.

Hackers paralyzed the website of RWE Power AG on Monday evening, 24 September 2018. The hacker attack happened on the same day that the police resumed clearing of tree houses in Hambach Forest.

A flood of controlled requests has significantly reduced server performance of the RWE company server. Before the attack, a video on YouTube with title Operation RWE switch off was uploaded. It is the first and so far only clip of a Youtube Channel called Anonymous German. „Hello world, hello RWE,“ reads in a computer voice: „If you do not immediately stop clearing the Hambacher Forst, we will attack your servers and shut down your pages, until your company bears any economic damage that you no longer recover from it.“ The Video can be viewed at BILD.de.

Please sign the BUND appeal for saving the Hambach Forest.

Take part in WWF’s Twitter Storm Stop The Madness. #StopptdenWahnsinn

About Netzdemo Portal

Greetings and welcome to Netzdemo Portal!

In this post we want to give a short overview of the Netzdemo Portal and our activities. We have now luckily reached a stable network of places and tools which together make up the Netzdemo Portal. First of all we are glad to have found Blackblogs.org as a friendly self-managed, non-commercial environment for this portal. Step by step we will move all contents related to online demonstration, virtual protest, netzdemo software, and news posts to this blog.

Please support us be continued reading of the newsletter and by promoting our mailing list. Check here for the description of the Netzdemo mailing list: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/netzdemo. Follow the link to subscribe! Using the Mailing list is also the best way to contact us.

Netzdemo Portal had organized a virtual protest against the construction of the mega dam of Belo Monte in the Amazon rainforest from 11th to 25th November 2014. Since then many things have changed there. The construction of the mega dam could not be prevented. However, it has become much more difficult for the Brasilian government to implement future water power dams in the Amazon. Earlier this year the Brasilian government even announced that they will end their program of building mega dams in the Amazon. More reports about Belo Monte our Belo Monte campaign page. Background information about online protest can be found on our Online Demonstration User Support website

Protests of the Netzdemo Portal target in first line against capitalist projects, that exploit and destroy nature and endanger people. The Netzdemo Platform joined Operation Greenrights back in July 2011. OP Greenrights fights for human rights and green energy and opposes destruction of nature and culture by big corporations. It seems that OP Greenrights is no longer active, at least their website has gone offline. It has become increasingly difficult to start massive online protest using electronic disobedience tools. We will continue the battle in support of environmental activists and endangered people. Netzdemo Portal does insist on the right to Online Demonstration.

Right to Online Demonstration: the temporary suspension of a site’s service or the spread of its databases hasn’t to be considered a violent action and it don’t produce an irreparable damage. For this reason, ddos, deface and any other technique that means a demonstration of dissent online has to be considered lawful. Computer tools of dissent are like a virtual flashmob. We can consider the Online Demonstration like the boardings that environmentalist ships do against fishing boats, these can bring some temporary discomfort, but haven’t to be considered illegal.

Other topics we are working on are climate justice and the stop of coal mining and burning. RWE remains unpunished for mining coal and destroying the climate. At the same time, climate activists are being criminalized for minor infringements during legitimate protest in the mining area. RWE must stop clear-cutting the Hambach Forest and put an end to lignite extraction. This year may also be the year of the mega merger between BAYER and Monsanto. Alarm sounds after EU regulators approved BAYER-Monsanto #MergerFromHell. This merger will create the world’s biggest and most powerful agribusiness corporation, which will try to force its genetically modified seeds and toxic pesticides into our food and countryside. Organic and small farmers suffer losses while BAYER-Monsanto will forge its monopoly over the world’s food supply, including exclusive patenting rights over seeds and genetic makeup.


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