Category Archives: Ideas

Declare a Global Climate Emergency

Over 75,000 climate protesters took to the streets of New York City in the weekend on 16/17 September in a powerful show of force at the March To End Fossil Fuels, demanding world leaders take bold action to end the era of fossil fuels. It was the largest global climate mobilization since the pandemic. While the demonstration was big, it was just one part of a truly massive global effort, with over 700 actions in 65 countries on seven continents and even at the North Pole.

World leaders gathering for the UN Climate Ambition Summit in New York which took place in the week after, completely managed to ignore our demands. The Climate Ambition Summit failed to deliver. Instead of fossil fuel “phase out,” nations agreed to “phase down” their use of fossil fuels only in regards to unabated coal power. After the hottest, most catastrophic summer in human history it is time to pivot to a more urgent and direct way to hold world leaders‘ feet to the fire.

Here is where The Third Force comes into play. Join The Third Force and let’s demand our world leaders declare a Global Climate Emergency by years end, or we’ll bring their doomsday machine crashing to the ground.

Starting this Friday, in 100 cities around the world let’s:

And let’s pick up the pace, the tempo, the rhythm of our activism. Turn every Friday into a global day of fuck-it-all civil disobedience!

Let’s put one big idea behind every one of our actions. One demand, clear and simple, roaring from our signs and banners, a big bold drumbeat to permeate the collective psyche of humanity. World leaders get together and Declare a Global Climate Emergency

Prank the big data economy

Information is an important resource for companies to control customers, to prescribe the strategies of other companies and draw scenarios for the financial market. The creation of flexible marketing strategies, which are geared to each individual customer, is a central aspect of profitability. That’s why the constant control and traceability of individual behavior of each individual are so valuable for big data companies. Google, as one example, generates its enormous profits by spying on, selling, sold and targeted advertising the habits of Internet users.

Many actions have already taken place, such as diffusing fake press releases, but they usually had as main goal the creation of awareness over an issue, denouncing the policy of a specific company/institution, detouring the dominant discourse and unmasking the daily order of things. Other actions involved cracking, blocking servers, defacing websites,or similar are causing serious damage. What activists rarely tried to achieve, however, is causing a negative economical impact by spreading fake information on a company. And doing this may require really simple programming tools, a meticulous study of the „target“, some knowledge of the sector and, sometimes, the help of an „insider“ willing to pass some information, such as templates with the corporate design.

Some ideas for information guerrilla that could work in making them pay and in messing up their business models:

  • Fake news to publish in the media in order to affect the reputation of a company and disrupt its communication strategy.
  • A fake mail from a boss, a public servant, etc can create conflicts or make evident some usually hidden behavior. It can be a powerful weapon of retaliation.
  • A fake press release from a company reporting some fake financial facts in order to affect the stock market.
  • A fake website in corporate design with forged information. Numerous examples from The Yes Men.
    • Let’s share the information and the skills we have to counter attack!
      We can turn their information processes into their sleepless nightmare!

Fire survival plan

Year 2020 is going to have to be the year. The year we see carbon emissions stop growing and start falling. It’s a matter of survival. It’ll be the year we start taking on the big banks that are funding the climate crisis.

Global Climate Strike in September 2019 – in 38 countries in Europe, and on every continent across the whole planet, everyday people followed the striking kids out on the streets. A million people protested in Italy. 1,4 million went on strike across Germany. Hundreds of thousands of us joined protests in big cities and small villages across Europe.

We stood hand in hand in our rage and solidarity and we said “no more” to the destruction and oppression which has brought us to a global climate crisis. We spoke up against destruction, racism, patriarchy, and an economy which puts profit above people and planet. We dared to imagine a different future, and fight for it.

Amazon fires – record-breaking fires raging in Brazil during last August, September, and October. More than 80.000 fires were recorded in August. Over 900 thousand hectares were burnt between January and October due to fires. Who sets the rainforest fires? Fires were expanding along the borders of new agricultural development, which is what’s often seen in fires related to forest clearing. Unscrupulous land speculators cut valuable trees, burn the remainder, and sell the cleared land at a heavily marked up price to cattle ranchers or agribusiness.

Australia’s bush fires – set to keep burning into the coming weeks and months. Over 10 million hectares have now burned. A billion animals died in the flames. Reports show that the Australian government has buried response plans and even under-resourced firefighters in the months prior to the fires. Australian government clings to coal. They have ignored man-made climate change for years and expanded the fossil fuel industry.

Right now, mining company Adani wants to build one of the biggest coal mines of the world in Queensland, Australia. #SiemensFuelsFires campaign – a collaboration between #StopAdani campaigners and German Fridays for Future activists – is calling out the multinational’s business to cut ties with Adani. Sign the petition to urge Siemens to get out of the deal with Adani.

We are the change. And we are coming for those who stand in our way. The bosses of fossil fuel corporations. Banks who fuel the fire of climate breakdown by pouring money into coal, oil and gas projects. All who value money and profit over the survival of our planet and the future of the next generations.

Following the capitalist logic, raw materials have to be turned faster into monetary value, faster and faster, accelerating the speed of destruction of our planet. The faster the Amazon rainforest burns down, the more pasture land is available for cattle, and the faster it can be converted into hamburgers. Netzdemo Portal will be focusing on food companies involved in Amazon destruction. Fast Food Brands like McDonald’s Burger King, and KFC have looked the other way while buying beef from Brazil as the Amazon burns. We do not forgive. We do not forget.

About Netzdemo Portal

Greetings and welcome to Netzdemo Portal!

In this post we want to give a short overview of the Netzdemo Portal and our activities. We have now luckily reached a stable network of places and tools which together make up the Netzdemo Portal. First of all we are glad to have found as a friendly self-managed, non-commercial environment for this portal. Step by step we will move all contents related to online demonstration, virtual protest, netzdemo software, and news posts to this blog.

Please support us be continued reading of the newsletter and by promoting our mailing list. Check here for the description of the Netzdemo mailing list: Follow the link to subscribe! Using the Mailing list is also the best way to contact us.

Netzdemo Portal had organized a virtual protest against the construction of the mega dam of Belo Monte in the Amazon rainforest from 11th to 25th November 2014. Since then many things have changed there. The construction of the mega dam could not be prevented. However, it has become much more difficult for the Brasilian government to implement future water power dams in the Amazon. Earlier this year the Brasilian government even announced that they will end their program of building mega dams in the Amazon. More reports about Belo Monte our Belo Monte campaign page. Background information about online protest can be found on our Online Demonstration User Support website

Protests of the Netzdemo Portal target in first line against capitalist projects, that exploit and destroy nature and endanger people. The Netzdemo Platform joined Operation Greenrights back in July 2011. OP Greenrights fights for human rights and green energy and opposes destruction of nature and culture by big corporations. It seems that OP Greenrights is no longer active, at least their website has gone offline. It has become increasingly difficult to start massive online protest using electronic disobedience tools. We will continue the battle in support of environmental activists and endangered people. Netzdemo Portal does insist on the right to Online Demonstration.

Right to Online Demonstration: the temporary suspension of a site’s service or the spread of its databases hasn’t to be considered a violent action and it don’t produce an irreparable damage. For this reason, ddos, deface and any other technique that means a demonstration of dissent online has to be considered lawful. Computer tools of dissent are like a virtual flashmob. We can consider the Online Demonstration like the boardings that environmentalist ships do against fishing boats, these can bring some temporary discomfort, but haven’t to be considered illegal.

Other topics we are working on are climate justice and the stop of coal mining and burning. RWE remains unpunished for mining coal and destroying the climate. At the same time, climate activists are being criminalized for minor infringements during legitimate protest in the mining area. RWE must stop clear-cutting the Hambach Forest and put an end to lignite extraction. This year may also be the year of the mega merger between BAYER and Monsanto. Alarm sounds after EU regulators approved BAYER-Monsanto #MergerFromHell. This merger will create the world’s biggest and most powerful agribusiness corporation, which will try to force its genetically modified seeds and toxic pesticides into our food and countryside. Organic and small farmers suffer losses while BAYER-Monsanto will forge its monopoly over the world’s food supply, including exclusive patenting rights over seeds and genetic makeup.


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Resistance 2018

We wish all of you a happy new year 2018 with militant political successes – also and especially in view of the shift to the right in Germany and in the EU. Together let us openly attack the madness of the capitalist system and its logic culminating in war and environmental destruction!

After the demise of in the first decade of the millennium, the now banned spin-off was founded in 2008; at first only with contributions from southern Germany and later from all over Germany. We from Netzdemo Portal have relied very much on the openness and popularity of Of course, many of our announcements for electronic disobedience actions have been posted there.

The ban of shortly before the election in Germany took place, rings the alarm bells. The ban is in fact an electional campaign – and an image campaign for Thomas de Maizière, who shows off as being the strong law-and-order man towards the right-wing populist party AfD. But it is also part of a broader pruning of basic democratic rights, from face recognition and data storage to the censorship that has now taken place.

You do not need to look to Turkey to know what comes after the ban on left-wing extremists. Once the censorship has become established, more bans will soon follow. The consequences of such a political shift to the right are already evident in some of Germany’s neighboring countries. We as radical organisation say „We are all linksunten.“