Category Archives: Support

Support for installation of software etc.

New Online-Demo support pages

Online demonstration or netstrike is a legitimate form of non-violent protest, an act of electronic civil disobedience (ECD). It’s a direct mass action with which an institution or a cooperation is put under pressure so that it ends its unethical or criminal actions. Within the electronic, digital environment, ECD tries to interrupt information flows and capital flows on carefully selected websites / web servers, but without damaging files or hardware systems.

It is your right to join an online demonstration. Computer tools of dissent are like a virtual flashmob – the temporary suspension of a site’s service or the spread of its databases hasn’t to be considered a violent action and it don’t produce an irreparable damage.

Our Online Demonstration User Support pages are offering a wide range of short tutorials and software tools. Our Support pages provide materials and help for organizing or participating in online demonstration actions. Everything is centered on one page where you find links to guides on the use of proxies, Tor Browser, VPN, email encryption, iMacros scripts and a full anti-censorship package. Use the contact form if you have a comment, want to contribute a link of another ECD page or if you want to ask for support of your own online action project using the online-demo software.

Visit the new Online-Demo User Support:
Please add the page to your bookmarks / favorites.

Join the new Netzdemo Wiki

We launched the new Netzdemo Wiki on in October 2021. Meanwhile most pages from the previous FANDOM Netzdemo Wiki have been moved to the new place. The new Netzdemo Wiki is in the WikiMedia style which resembles the classical Wikipedia look. We continue with writing in German language. It will become the biggest German encyclopedia on net activism and history of online demonstrations. Currently, the wiki contains 83 pages on different aspects of net activism and digital resistance – and still growing. The wiki is open and anyone can become a member. If you want to be part of this exciting work, please join the new Netzdemo Wiki at

FANDOM has closed the former Netzdemo Wiki first in October 2021, without any notice. After posting a complaint to the (German) FANDOM community, it was re-opened but is threatened to be closed again. The reason given by the FANDOM help team was:

„Wikis with very few calls will be closed if your topic and the previous growth suggest that in the future no (significant) growth is to be expected.“

FANDOM agreed to keep the wiki open until the end of 2021. Netzdemo Wiki existed on Wikia/FANDOM since August 2008. It was finally closed on New Year’s Eve.

Netzdemo Wiki now on wikidot

FANDOM closed the Netzdemo Wiki some days ago without any further notice. After filing a complaint to the FANDOM community, it was re-opened but is threatened to be closed again if traffic statistics of the wiki pages show little interest. Netzdemo Wiki existed on Wikia/FANDOM since August 2008 and is the biggest collection of information on net activism in German language. The most common reason for closing wikis seems to be inactivity. However, Netzdemo Wiki was not inactive, it was steadily growing over the years, but the user community was very small from the beginning and only very few were writing or editing wiki entries.

FANDOM (originally Wikicities, and later Wikia) was a new platform that built off the core technology powering Wikipedia. We experience the closure of Netzdemo Wiki as kind of commercially motivated censorship. FANDOM is very much centered on gaming and entertainment. In reality they focus not on the wikis but more on their costumers, who they calls „fans“, meaning gaming-addicted people. We speculate that FANDOM wanted to get rid of some wikis with critical content.

We create the Netzdemo Wiki again – this time on Wikidot. The layout is now in the WikiMedia style which more resembles the classical Wikipedia look. We continue with writing in German language. It will become the biggest German encyclopedia on net activism and history of online demonstrations. It will take some time to move the wiki pages to the new place – but it’s worth it. The wiki is open and anyone can become a member.

If you want to be part of this exciting work, please join the new Netzdemo Wiki at wikidot:

Digital #ClimateStrike is over – for now

This is an important note for all website hosters and bloggers who took part in the Digital #ClimateStrike. In January 2021, the website announced that the domain where the digital strike widget was hosted ( has been transferred and the content is no longer related to the climate strike campaign. This means that any content provided by this 3rd party host is not related to the campaign and should no longer be displayed.

If you still have the script installed in your site please do remove it immediately.

If you have installed the WordPress plugin then you should remove it immediately too.

More than 10,000 websites joined the Digital #ClimateStrike. It was a huge success. The digital strike generated 38% of the traffic to the Global Climate Strike website on 20th September 2019, and inspired an additional 30,000 or more people to sign up for the Climate Strikes movement around the world. In Germany, the „Shutdown for Climate“ during the global climate strike day also had an enormous impact.

We think that the climate justice movement will have to rely on digital media as well as electronic means of communication and disruption for a while to come and really hope that the digital climate actions start again soon in one or the other way.

New release of ZDEMO ATTAC

Netzdemo Portal proudly announces the new release of ZDEMO ATTAC protest software by KELLERASSELN. This small app runs on Windows PC and allows you to perform a simple DoS attack against a web server (=target) of a company that is found to destroy nature or violates human rights. The current target of internet protest is RWE Power AG and has been selected by the Netzdemo Portal community. By using ZDEMO ATTAC you join the online protests of the Netzdemo Portal community. It runs on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 10. The use of a VPN internet connection during online protest is highly recommended.

You can download ZDEMO ATTAC here.

The original Online Protest Software Kit was built for an online demonstration against which took place on 20 June 2001. The goal of this tool was to send repeated http requests to the Lufthansa website. In addition it performed more complex transactions, such as creating a user profile, booking of flights, etc. The online demonstration „Deportation Class“ has been organised by Libertad! and „Kein Mensch ist illegal“.

Become part of the Netzdemo Portal Community!