Prank the big data economy

Information is an important resource for companies to control customers, to prescribe the strategies of other companies and draw scenarios for the financial market. The creation of flexible marketing strategies, which are geared to each individual customer, is a central aspect of profitability. That’s why the constant control and traceability of individual behavior of each individual are so valuable for big data companies. Google, as one example, generates its enormous profits by spying on, selling, sold and targeted advertising the habits of Internet users.

Many actions have already taken place, such as diffusing fake press releases, but they usually had as main goal the creation of awareness over an issue, denouncing the policy of a specific company/institution, detouring the dominant discourse and unmasking the daily order of things. Other actions involved cracking, blocking servers, defacing websites,or similar are causing serious damage. What activists rarely tried to achieve, however, is causing a negative economical impact by spreading fake information on a company. And doing this may require really simple programming tools, a meticulous study of the „target“, some knowledge of the sector and, sometimes, the help of an „insider“ willing to pass some information, such as templates with the corporate design.

Some ideas for information guerrilla that could work in making them pay and in messing up their business models:

  • Fake news to publish in the media in order to affect the reputation of a company and disrupt its communication strategy.
  • A fake mail from a boss, a public servant, etc can create conflicts or make evident some usually hidden behavior. It can be a powerful weapon of retaliation.
  • A fake press release from a company reporting some fake financial facts in order to affect the stock market.
  • A fake website in corporate design with forged information. Numerous examples from The Yes Men.
    • Let’s share the information and the skills we have to counter attack!
      We can turn their information processes into their sleepless nightmare!

We need to make Amazon pay in 2021

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Amazon became a trillion dollar corporation, with CEO Jeff Bezos becoming the first person in history to amass $200 billion in personal wealth. Amazon’s carbon footprint is larger than two thirds of all countries in the world. Amazon, with its expansion of the „smart world“, stands in all areas of everyday life for a vision of the future in which life is shaped through digitization and automation of one’s own generation of profit. Amazon wants to restructure existing labor standards and life habits entirely. Humans as a circumferential resource: customer, employee and data donor in one. To escape the future managed world of Amazon – with its monopoly attitude – will not be an easy path.

But the tide begins to turn. Participation of IT technicians at the global climate strike 2019 was followed by important concessions of the Amazon management. The Make Amazon Pay coalition, a cross-border alliance of more than four dozen social and environmental justice groups including UNI Global Union, Amazon Workers International, Progressive International, has managed to integrate the previously diffuse resistance of Amazon workers.

The Make Amazon Pay coalition staged a worldwide protest against Amazon on Black Friday, 27th December 2020, with actions in 15 countries: Brazil, Mexico, the U.S., the U.K., Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Poland, India, Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Australia. Workers at several logistics centers across Germany are engaged in a three-day strike meant to disrupt Amazon’s profitable holiday sales during the retail industry’s busiest period.

Left-wing economist Yanis Varoufakis called on consumers to participate in a Black Friday boycott of Amazon, which he described as „a gigantic, behavior modification machine,“ pointing to the relationship between its data services, algorithms, and policy-making. The coalition also seeks to protect Amazon workers‘ rights to organize as well as unions‘ rights to promote the interests of employees—without fear of surveillance and retaliation, throughout the company’s global supply chains.

On Monday 22th March 2021, in Italy the first national strike against Amazon took place. About 40,000 Amazon workers in Italy participated in the strike. The national strike was truly a novelty, because it involved all the different figures working in the Amazon supply chain – sorting and storage workers, drivers, security workers – in an overall rejection of the working conditions imposed by the algorithm. With the vast majority of Amazon’s employees in Italy (between 70 and 80%) hired on a temporary basis and with precarious contracts, this mechanism produces a constant increase in the overall average productivity and work rhythms, and thus an accelerated wear on health.

Digital #ClimateStrike is over – for now

This is an important note for all website hosters and bloggers who took part in the Digital #ClimateStrike. In January 2021, the website announced that the domain where the digital strike widget was hosted ( has been transferred and the content is no longer related to the climate strike campaign. This means that any content provided by this 3rd party host is not related to the campaign and should no longer be displayed.

If you still have the script installed in your site please do remove it immediately.

If you have installed the WordPress plugin then you should remove it immediately too.

More than 10,000 websites joined the Digital #ClimateStrike. It was a huge success. The digital strike generated 38% of the traffic to the Global Climate Strike website on 20th September 2019, and inspired an additional 30,000 or more people to sign up for the Climate Strikes movement around the world. In Germany, the „Shutdown for Climate“ during the global climate strike day also had an enormous impact.

We think that the climate justice movement will have to rely on digital media as well as electronic means of communication and disruption for a while to come and really hope that the digital climate actions start again soon in one or the other way.

Global Climate Strike September 25

On September 25th 2020, thousands of climate strikes will take place across the globe to demand urgent action to tackle the climate crisis. Join the strike!

This year, world leaders and big polluters hope we’ll stay silent. They want us to go back to business as usual. But our youth’s non-stop actions show otherwise, reminding the world once again that we will not be prisoners of injustice. We stand together to say – our future is going to be bright because we won’t let things go back to business as usual.

COVID-19 may have paused the world in its tracks, but the climate crisis continues unless fossil fuels are kept in the ground. Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon surpassed 10,000 square kilometers in 2019, the highest recorded figure since 2008, according to the latest data from Brazil’s national space research institute.

Companies in JBS’s supply chain are potentially responsible for the destruction of about 300 square kilometers of forest each year for exported beef. JBS’ inability to control its Brazilian beef supply chains is responsible for deforestation in the Amazon and the loss of lands belonging to indigenous people. We are holding JBS accountable.

Online, or on the streets, your participation in the global climate strikes is crucial. Learn from Fridays for Future about how you can get involved. On 25th September, demonstrations and manifestations will take place all across the globe, all adjusted to COVID-19 circumstances.

Netzdemo Portal continues the online demonstration in support of #AmazonCeaseFire against JBS meat industries on September 25th, 2020.

Join the online protest:

Online Protest against JBS Meat Industry

JBS is the world’s biggest meat packing company and single biggest supplier of beef, chicken and leather globally, with 350,000 customers in more than 150 countries. JBS has been repeatedly linked to suppliers found to be engaging in illegal deforestation in the region and operating illegally on protected Indigenous lands.

In July 2020, Amnesty International, with Réporter Brasil, revealed that cattle illegally grazed in protected areas of the Amazon state of Rondonia had entered the JBS supply chain. Fires and deforestation continue to take place on properties in JBS’ supply chain despite the company’s policies and international commitments.

JBS’ inability to control its Brazilian beef supply chains is responsible for deforestation in the Amazon and the loss of lands belonging to indigenous people. We will hold JBS accountable.

Netzdemo Portal will launch an online protest in support of #AmazonCeaseFire against JBS meat industries on September 18th, 2020, starting at 08:00 CEST

Join the online protest:

Solidarity with linksunten Indymedia

On August 14, 2017, the German Federal Minister of the Interior banned the Open-Posting internet platform linksunten Indymedia, by resorting to the association act („Vereinsgesetz“). The ban that was finally executed on August 25 is an act of internet censorship and an attack on freedom of media and press. The Ministry of the Interior constructed an association that operates the incriminated portal. It seems absurd that an online platform that only provides technology can be prohibited by association act – linksunten Indymedia was undoubtedly a platform that is subject to the special protection of press freedom.

The linksunten Indymedia platform was founded in southwest Germany during 2008/2009 and was part of the global Indymedia network (Independent Media Center). It worked according to the open posting principle, so it did not have a traditional editorial team, but it did have moderation criteria that excluded racist or antisemitic content. The majority of posts were calls and reports on left-wing and NGO events or demonstrations, but also statements in which militants justified illegal actions. Netzdemo Portal has launched several calls to online demonstrations on this platform because of the wide multiplication and diverse readership.

It took almost two and a half years for the ban on the constructed association linksunten.indymedia to be heard before the Federal Administrative Court (BVerwG) on January 29, 2020, in Leipzig. The lawsuit was dismissed with reference to the fact that the plaintiffs were not entitled to initiate proceedings. Contrary to what some reports suggest, the BVerwG did not declare the ban to be lawful, but dismissed the lawsuit without examining the reasons for the ban. The suspected operator team of the linksunten Indymedia will go to the Federal Constitutional Court.

Almost two weeks before the trial, it was announced that the linksunten Indymedia is online again as archive with over 200,000 posts and comments, preserving 10 years of movement history. The archive does not offer any possibilities for interaction or postings and is therefore not to be regarded as the successor to the internet platform. The static archive of the site is also available for download in the form of zip files. In April 2020 the archive of the portal, which was declared illegal by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, became accessible via

We from Netzdemo Portal think it is about time for a broad and collective discussion about restarting the platform with new articles, posts and discussions.

We need independent media that belongs to us – not social media owned by the cloud-computing oligopolists

High time for online demonstrations

Happy Earth Day everyone! The world has changed a lot in the past few weeks, and this means the climate movement has had to change too. Mobilizations and climate strikes have had to be cancelled, meetings are being moved online and campaigns are being put on hold. It is vitally important to take urgent action to slow the spread of the corona virus, in order to protect those most vulnerable in our society and to avoid massive hospitalization.

The climate crisis does not take a break even during the pandemic. Earth has already heated up by more than one degree Celsius. The catastrophic consequences for millions of people worldwide can no longer be overlooked. Therefore, commitment to better climate protection is necessary – and possible – even in times of Corona!

There are many things we can do from home, to demonstrate solidarity, fight for justice, and to keep the global climate movement strong. It is high time for online demonstrations!

Global Climate Strike, 24 April 2020
Global Climate Strike: share a photo or video of yourself with the hashtag #ClimateStrikeOnline to keep pushing for climate justice, even if you’re in lockdown or self-isolation. In Germany – join the massive online climate strike organized by Fridays for Future and register now on the strikers‘ online map. There will be a „Livestream for Future“ starting at 12 p.m. In social media use hashtags #FightEveryCrisis and #NetzstreikFürsKlima. Use the profile picture generator from Fridays for Future to get your strike profile picture. More details about the online climate strike in Germany.

Online March against BAYER & Syngenta, 25 April
On April 25 from 2pm to 4pm (UTC +2), we will let Syngenta, BAYER & Co. hear our message on all of their public platforms. Whether as a rating of their apps in the App Store, as a comment in front of their headquarters on Google Maps, as a Facebook post or old school by letter – everyone can participate. Together we will bring the power of 2000 demonstrators together at #WebAgainstSyngenta! More details about #WebAgainstSyngenta here.

Online Protest BAYER general meeting, 28 April
Broadcast time 9:30 a.m. live-online statement from the „coordination against BAYER dangers“ (CBG) and online ralley before the start of the BAYER general meeting (BAYER-HV), with: umbrella organization of critical shareholders, Block BAYER and much more. Online statement by the international protest alliance under hashtag #stopBayerMonsanto to conclude the BAYER-HV (broadcasting time depends on the end of the voting). More information about the online protest against Bayer-Monsanto here.

Netzdemo Wiki still alive

The German-language Netzdemo Wiki was started on 11 August 2008 to document the history of netstrikes, virtual sitins and online-demonstrations and to provide a platform for digital activism and online protest events. Netzdemo Wiki illuminates the contributions of various network activists worldwide and their online activities. The wiki wants to be a place for discussions about practical democracy on the world wide web on topics such as Internet censorship.

The history of netstrikes started in Italy, where in 1994 computers from more than 150 mailboxes were confiscated in nationwide coordinated raids. The crackdown of the mailbox networks in Italy indirectly triggered the netstrikes. In the winter of 1995, administrators of mailboxes, political and media activists met to find strategies for better publicizing their concerns. In 1995, the first ideas for online political activism were developed and implemented. In December 1995, the Italian hacktivist group StranoNet called for participation in the first global netstrike via emails in Italian and English.

It took a while before internet activism became a popular medium for protests in Germany. In March 2001 the anti-rassist initiatives Libertad! and Kein Mensch ist illegal started with the mobilization of an online-demonstration in connection with the deportation.class campaign against the Lufthansa deportation business. According to human rights activists, a total of 13,000 Internet users took part in the protest. Lufthansa had counted a total of 1.2 million page views and announced that the blocking of the booking system had caused economic damage.

Lufthansa and the public prosecutors saw the action as a deliberate coercion and that the call to the online-demonstration was a call to crime. The offices of Libertad! in Frankfurt were searched and computers confiscated – years of investigation followed. The first trial against one of the initiators of the first online-demonstration in Germany ended in June 2005 at the Frankfurt district court with a conviction and a fine of 900 euros. In the days leading up to the trial, the initiative Die Kellerasseln organized a campaign against the expansion plans of Frankfurt airport operator Fraport, to draw attention to this process.

The jurisdiction was rejected by the OLG Frankfurt one year later and the accused was acquitted. Online protest is not a crime!

On July 4th, 2011 a tweet from Libertad! promoted our Netzdemo Wiki:

Currently, the community is working on a new chapter on Digital Resistance about the Electronic Civil Disobedience in the times of big data and mass surveillance in the online and offline world. Feel free to make additions to this growing encyclopedia and help us to expand and supplement the information collection!

Fire survival plan

Year 2020 is going to have to be the year. The year we see carbon emissions stop growing and start falling. It’s a matter of survival. It’ll be the year we start taking on the big banks that are funding the climate crisis.

Global Climate Strike in September 2019 – in 38 countries in Europe, and on every continent across the whole planet, everyday people followed the striking kids out on the streets. A million people protested in Italy. 1,4 million went on strike across Germany. Hundreds of thousands of us joined protests in big cities and small villages across Europe.

We stood hand in hand in our rage and solidarity and we said “no more” to the destruction and oppression which has brought us to a global climate crisis. We spoke up against destruction, racism, patriarchy, and an economy which puts profit above people and planet. We dared to imagine a different future, and fight for it.

Amazon fires – record-breaking fires raging in Brazil during last August, September, and October. More than 80.000 fires were recorded in August. Over 900 thousand hectares were burnt between January and October due to fires. Who sets the rainforest fires? Fires were expanding along the borders of new agricultural development, which is what’s often seen in fires related to forest clearing. Unscrupulous land speculators cut valuable trees, burn the remainder, and sell the cleared land at a heavily marked up price to cattle ranchers or agribusiness.

Australia’s bush fires – set to keep burning into the coming weeks and months. Over 10 million hectares have now burned. A billion animals died in the flames. Reports show that the Australian government has buried response plans and even under-resourced firefighters in the months prior to the fires. Australian government clings to coal. They have ignored man-made climate change for years and expanded the fossil fuel industry.

Right now, mining company Adani wants to build one of the biggest coal mines of the world in Queensland, Australia. #SiemensFuelsFires campaign – a collaboration between #StopAdani campaigners and German Fridays for Future activists – is calling out the multinational’s business to cut ties with Adani. Sign the petition to urge Siemens to get out of the deal with Adani.

We are the change. And we are coming for those who stand in our way. The bosses of fossil fuel corporations. Banks who fuel the fire of climate breakdown by pouring money into coal, oil and gas projects. All who value money and profit over the survival of our planet and the future of the next generations.

Following the capitalist logic, raw materials have to be turned faster into monetary value, faster and faster, accelerating the speed of destruction of our planet. The faster the Amazon rainforest burns down, the more pasture land is available for cattle, and the faster it can be converted into hamburgers. Netzdemo Portal will be focusing on food companies involved in Amazon destruction. Fast Food Brands like McDonald’s Burger King, and KFC have looked the other way while buying beef from Brazil as the Amazon burns. We do not forgive. We do not forget.

Global Climate Strike – Sep. 20-27

Every Friday this year classrooms have grown quiet while streets worldwide have come to life again with the chants and cries of a new generation of climate activists. What started as a one-person protest by Greta Thunberg has grown to a movement of millions sacrificing their #FridaysForFuture in over 160 countries in at least 2000 locations.

In a powerful call to action published in The Guardian school strike organisers are calling on people of all ages to join them in the next massive Global Climate Strikes in September starting on September 20.

Read more about the Global Climate Strike and join in here!

There will be demonstrations and events in many German cities during #Klimastreik on September 20.

#FridaysForFuture asks all generations to take part in the global climate strike, to colleagues and employers, to parents and neighbors, to colleagues and employees, to teachers and scientists, athletes and jobseekers, creative people and apprentices: All for Climate – #AlleFürsKlima.

Our house is on fire — let’s act like it. We demand climate justice for everyone.