Author Archives: netzdemo

New release of ZDEMO ATTAC

Netzdemo Portal proudly announces the new release of ZDEMO ATTAC protest software by KELLERASSELN. This small app runs on Windows PC and allows you to perform a simple DoS attack against a web server (=target) of a company that is found to destroy nature or violates human rights. The current target of internet protest is RWE Power AG and has been selected by the Netzdemo Portal community. By using ZDEMO ATTAC you join the online protests of the Netzdemo Portal community. It runs on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 10. The use of a VPN internet connection during online protest is highly recommended.

You can download ZDEMO ATTAC here.

The original Online Protest Software Kit was built for an online demonstration against which took place on 20 June 2001. The goal of this tool was to send repeated http requests to the Lufthansa website. In addition it performed more complex transactions, such as creating a user profile, booking of flights, etc. The online demonstration „Deportation Class“ has been organised by Libertad! and „Kein Mensch ist illegal“.

Become part of the Netzdemo Portal Community!

Online Protest against RWE continues

RWE stop deforestation of Hambach Forest and Leave Coal in the Ground!

Join the Online Protest against RWE from here:

The online protest continues until the mass ralley „Save the forest! Stop coal!“ on 6th October 2018 starting at 12 noon at Buir train station, Hambach Forest. The environmental associations BUND, Campact, Greenpeace and NaturFreunde of Germany are calling for the demo to send RWE a clear stop signal before the possible start of deforestation from 15 October 2018. Ende Gelände joins the mass ralley on 6th October with their own action.

Action Update on 4 October 20:00

Until now 50 people have taken part in the Online Demonstration against RWE Power AG, an electronic civil disobedience action!Spread the word and continue the clicking automate – we need to be many!

Here you can see how to allow the pop-up windows in your browser:

Posted at
Online Protest gegen RWE: Stopp Rohdung des Hambacher Forsts

Online Protest against RWE: Stop Clear-cutting Hambach Forest

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In 2017, the climate justice movement was able to stop the wood clearing of the Hambach Forest for the mining pit for an entire clearing season 2017/2018 (October to March) by protests and legal complaints. It looks like RWE became afraid that the occupation of the forest by climate activists would prevent the wood clearing a second time. At the same time the coal commission started negotiations in Berlin to phase out coal mining and burning in Germany.

RWE and the police have started the clearing in the Hambach Forest since September, 6th. The police continued the eviction of the forest residents and destroyed tree houses of the Hambach Forest occupation. Hundreds of people came to Aktion Unterholz on Sept. 15th and built up the destroyed infrastructure and tree houses. A young journalist, died on Sept. 19th in Hambach Forest. The accident happened in the threatening situation by the intervention of the police in the occupied forest.

RWE remains unpunished for mining coal and destroying the climate. With this action of electronic disobedience we target RWE’s websites and attempt to cause the temporary suspension of their service. RWE is not allowed to disturb the residents inside the Hambi any further. RWE must stop clear-cutting the Hambach Forest immediately and put an end to lignite extraction.

Netzdemo Portal will launch an online protest in support of the Hambach Forest occupation #HambiBleibt, Ende Gelände and UntenLassen – climate justice actions – on the RWE Power AG websites on October 4th, 2018, starting at 8 o’clock in the morning.

Join the online protest:

Anonymous Germany blocks RWE website

We at Netzdemo mourn the death of the young journalist, who died on 19 September in the Hambach Forest. The accident happened in the threatening situation by
intervention of the police in the occupied forest. The journalist fell from a tree and died during a police operation. After a moratorium lasting several days, the police continue to clear the tree houses in the Hambach Forest.

Hackers paralyzed the website of RWE Power AG on Monday evening, 24 September 2018. The hacker attack happened on the same day that the police resumed clearing of tree houses in Hambach Forest.

A flood of controlled requests has significantly reduced server performance of the RWE company server. Before the attack, a video on YouTube with title Operation RWE switch off was uploaded. It is the first and so far only clip of a Youtube Channel called Anonymous German. „Hello world, hello RWE,“ reads in a computer voice: „If you do not immediately stop clearing the Hambacher Forst, we will attack your servers and shut down your pages, until your company bears any economic damage that you no longer recover from it.“ The Video can be viewed at

Please sign the BUND appeal for saving the Hambach Forest.

Take part in WWF’s Twitter Storm Stop The Madness. #StopptdenWahnsinn

Act before it’s too late

Aktion Unterholz calls for mass actions of civil disobedience

In 2017, the climate justice movement was able to stop the wood clearing of the Hambach forest for the mining pit for an entire clearing season 2017/2018 (October to March) by protests and legal complaints. It looks like RWE became afraid that the occupation of the forest by climate activists would prevent the wood clearing a second time. At the same time the coal commission started negotiations in Berlin to phase out coal mining and burning in Germany.

RWE together with the police started clearing works in the Hambach forest on 6 September. Police raids continued on 13 September and destroyed tree houses of the Hambach forest occupation. Aktion Unterholz (action underwood), supported by climate activists Ende Gelände, called for mass actions of civil disobedience on 15 September. Hundreds of people came for Aktion Underholz and rebuilt the destroyed structures and tree houses. On the same day, 20 activists of the action group „NiederAUSmachen“ started a blockade of the coal fired power plant Niederaussem operated by RWE. On Sunday, 16 September, 1300 people demonstrated with a forest walk for the preservation of the forest.

Only 10% of the Hambach forest remain. The remaining core of the forest still contains the diversity of the original Hambach forest that exists since the end of the ice age 12,000 years ago. The Hambach forest is an irreplaceable piece of nature, habitat of many endangered animals and trees. The preservation of the Hambach forest limits the open pit Hambach and the coal from this open pit plays a central role in the Rhenish lignite mining district. The rescue of the Hambach Wald is at the same time an important step towards phasing out coal and the closure of the entire area.

Every year new temperature records, more extreme weather events such as drought, heavy rain, flood and heat waves. The destruction hits people in the global south the hardest, but here in Europe, the consequences are becoming more and more noticeable. Everybody knows that the coal has to remain in the ground to avoid heating up the climate crisis. Its exploitation destroys the livelihood of nature and humans. The Rhenish lignite mining district is Europe’s largest carbon dioxide (CO2) source, with its three opencast mines and three coal fired power plants. Inhabitants of the region are resettled and agricultural areas are destroyed for the continued expansion of the mines.

About Netzdemo Portal

Greetings and welcome to Netzdemo Portal!

In this post we want to give a short overview of the Netzdemo Portal and our activities. We have now luckily reached a stable network of places and tools which together make up the Netzdemo Portal. First of all we are glad to have found as a friendly self-managed, non-commercial environment for this portal. Step by step we will move all contents related to online demonstration, virtual protest, netzdemo software, and news posts to this blog.

Please support us be continued reading of the newsletter and by promoting our mailing list. Check here for the description of the Netzdemo mailing list: Follow the link to subscribe! Using the Mailing list is also the best way to contact us.

Netzdemo Portal had organized a virtual protest against the construction of the mega dam of Belo Monte in the Amazon rainforest from 11th to 25th November 2014. Since then many things have changed there. The construction of the mega dam could not be prevented. However, it has become much more difficult for the Brasilian government to implement future water power dams in the Amazon. Earlier this year the Brasilian government even announced that they will end their program of building mega dams in the Amazon. More reports about Belo Monte our Belo Monte campaign page. Background information about online protest can be found on our Online Demonstration User Support website

Protests of the Netzdemo Portal target in first line against capitalist projects, that exploit and destroy nature and endanger people. The Netzdemo Platform joined Operation Greenrights back in July 2011. OP Greenrights fights for human rights and green energy and opposes destruction of nature and culture by big corporations. It seems that OP Greenrights is no longer active, at least their website has gone offline. It has become increasingly difficult to start massive online protest using electronic disobedience tools. We will continue the battle in support of environmental activists and endangered people. Netzdemo Portal does insist on the right to Online Demonstration.

Right to Online Demonstration: the temporary suspension of a site’s service or the spread of its databases hasn’t to be considered a violent action and it don’t produce an irreparable damage. For this reason, ddos, deface and any other technique that means a demonstration of dissent online has to be considered lawful. Computer tools of dissent are like a virtual flashmob. We can consider the Online Demonstration like the boardings that environmentalist ships do against fishing boats, these can bring some temporary discomfort, but haven’t to be considered illegal.

Other topics we are working on are climate justice and the stop of coal mining and burning. RWE remains unpunished for mining coal and destroying the climate. At the same time, climate activists are being criminalized for minor infringements during legitimate protest in the mining area. RWE must stop clear-cutting the Hambach Forest and put an end to lignite extraction. This year may also be the year of the mega merger between BAYER and Monsanto. Alarm sounds after EU regulators approved BAYER-Monsanto #MergerFromHell. This merger will create the world’s biggest and most powerful agribusiness corporation, which will try to force its genetically modified seeds and toxic pesticides into our food and countryside. Organic and small farmers suffer losses while BAYER-Monsanto will forge its monopoly over the world’s food supply, including exclusive patenting rights over seeds and genetic makeup.


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Resistance 2018

We wish all of you a happy new year 2018 with militant political successes – also and especially in view of the shift to the right in Germany and in the EU. Together let us openly attack the madness of the capitalist system and its logic culminating in war and environmental destruction!

After the demise of in the first decade of the millennium, the now banned spin-off was founded in 2008; at first only with contributions from southern Germany and later from all over Germany. We from Netzdemo Portal have relied very much on the openness and popularity of Of course, many of our announcements for electronic disobedience actions have been posted there.

The ban of shortly before the election in Germany took place, rings the alarm bells. The ban is in fact an electional campaign – and an image campaign for Thomas de Maizière, who shows off as being the strong law-and-order man towards the right-wing populist party AfD. But it is also part of a broader pruning of basic democratic rights, from face recognition and data storage to the censorship that has now taken place.

You do not need to look to Turkey to know what comes after the ban on left-wing extremists. Once the censorship has become established, more bans will soon follow. The consequences of such a political shift to the right are already evident in some of Germany’s neighboring countries. We as radical organisation say „We are all linksunten.“

Online-Protest at RWE continues

Post bei
Online-Demo: Ende für RWE Strom aus Kohle

Ende Gelände issued an ultimatum to RWE on phasing out coal. RWE has until 23 August 2017 to close its open-cast mines, turn off its power stations and stop coal-based power generation.
To keep the pressure high on RWE, we from Netzdemo Portal will launch a series of online protests against the websites of RWE Power AG.

The first Online Demonstration takes place on 03 July + 04 July.

More information about the online actions for Coal Phase-Out here:

STOP deforestation of Hambach Forest and Leave Coal in the Ground!

Action Update on 03 July 21:00

Until now 150 people have taken part in the Online Demonstration against RWE Power AG, an electronic civil disobedience action! See the counter in the lower left corner in the screenshot below:

Here you can see how to allow the pop-up windows in your browser:

Online Protest at RWE for Coal Phase-out

RWE remains unpunished for mining coal and destroying the climate. At the same time, climate activists are being criminalized for minor infringements during legitimate protest in the mining area. RWE must stop clear-cutting the Hambach Forest and put an end to lignite extraction.

Ende Gelände issued an ultimatum to RWE on phasing out coal. RWE has until August 2017 to close its open-cast mines, turn off its power stations and stop coal-based power generation.

Netzdemo Portal will launch an online protest in support of Ende Gelände und UntenLassen climate justice actions on the RWE Power AG websites on July 1st, 2017.

Join the online protest at RWE now!

Belo Monte will produce energy for mining

Belo Monte mega dam is being built on a river that runs almost dry a large part
of the year. This will be a very inefficient project – running at 10% of its
capacity during the driest months. The energy produced will go to mines that extract
resources that are then shipped to other countries. About 30 percent of the produced
energy will go to support the mining industry, while 70 percent of the energy produced
by the dam will go to households hundreds of miles away from the Xingu River. There is
no stopping this dam now. It has been approved by a short-sighted government that insists
this is the only solution to the energy needs of the country.

Norte Energia company, the concession-holder for the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam,
now control the water flow in the Volta Grande stretch of the Xingu River, a 100-km
area divided in three municipalities, with five indigenous villages along the riverbanks.
By opening or closing spillways and activating or shutting off its turbines, Norte Energia
dictates the water level downstream in the Xingu River. It’s clear that they do it without
considering the human and environmental impacts. Abrupt fluctuations in the volume of water
released in the Volta Grande due to the opening of spillways causes changes in the water
level in the river that confuse the aquatic fauna, disoriented by the availability of space
to feed and breed, according to ecologist Juarez Pezzuti, a professor at the Federal University of
Pará. Moreover, the reduced water flow has made navigation difficult in the Volta Grande,
the traditional transport route used by local people, increasing the need for land transport.

Vale, who owns aluminum and iron ore smelters nearby and is a 9% stakeholder in Norte Energia,
will purchase Belo Monte’s energy to fuel its mining expansion in the region. The energy would
also go to fuel the powerful industrial sector in south-east Brazil, which consumes 28.6% of
all electricity in the country, mainly in São Paulo and Minas Gerais.

Read more: Belo Monte Campaign blog by Netzdemo Portal.