Join the new Netzdemo Wiki

We launched the new Netzdemo Wiki on in October 2021. Meanwhile most pages from the previous FANDOM Netzdemo Wiki have been moved to the new place. The new Netzdemo Wiki is in the WikiMedia style which resembles the classical Wikipedia look. We continue with writing in German language. It will become the biggest German encyclopedia on net activism and history of online demonstrations. Currently, the wiki contains 83 pages on different aspects of net activism and digital resistance – and still growing. The wiki is open and anyone can become a member. If you want to be part of this exciting work, please join the new Netzdemo Wiki at

FANDOM has closed the former Netzdemo Wiki first in October 2021, without any notice. After posting a complaint to the (German) FANDOM community, it was re-opened but is threatened to be closed again. The reason given by the FANDOM help team was:

„Wikis with very few calls will be closed if your topic and the previous growth suggest that in the future no (significant) growth is to be expected.“

FANDOM agreed to keep the wiki open until the end of 2021. Netzdemo Wiki existed on Wikia/FANDOM since August 2008. It was finally closed on New Year’s Eve.