Category Archives: Event

From now on Lützerath is everywhere!

After the eviction of the village Lützerath despite fierce resistance of thousand activists and residents on 16 January 2023, we will continue electronic protests against RWE. The destruction of Lützerath and the burning of the coal is a further step towards aggravating the climate catastrophe and directly threatens people. Every tonne CO2 that is expelled means that even more people will suffer from heat waves, extreme weather, droughts, hunger and spreading diseases. Each additional tonne CO2 continues to destabilize the living conditions of the future. Therefore, the coal under Lützerath must remain in the ground.

Lützerath has created a great cohesion of everyone who fights for climate justice. We declare: Lützerath lives. From now on Lützerath is everywhere!

We expand the action zone around #ZADRheinland to the digital space. There are various ways to participate in the permanent online demonstration. With a Virtual Sitin Tool, you can find out by automatic calling the RWE websites why RWE sticks to dirty brown coal. With an iMacros script, RWE can be bombarded with emails using the contact form. Then we flood the headquarters of RWE with free product catalogs. There are also a few practical tips what everyone can do.

Join the online protest now:
Action ended: 20 April 2023

Join Online Protest to save Lützerath

RWE is planning to extract around 900 million tons of brown coal. According to the German Institute for Economic Research Berlin (DIW), this is around four times as much as would be permitted under the Paris climate agreement. Economics Minister Habeck has announced an earlier phase-out of coal but that it is necessary for the energy giant RWE to mine a further 290 million tons of brown coal until 2030, including the coal under Lützerath. Habeck even sells this scandal as a success, since an agreement was reached to accelerate the coal phase-out from 2038 to 2030. It is certainly a success for RWE, since they can still make a lot of money until then, but by no means for the planet and the residents of the village.

RWE’s coal operations produce 90 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, so the energy giant is still the no. 1 polluter in Europe. Nearly 80% of the electricity RWE generates is from non-renewable sources. RWE also plans to ramp up on its fossil gas business, despite the clear need to reduce reliance on gas.

RWE shows persistence in digging up and burning brown coal despite its green PR shift and investment in renewables. RWE’s website continues to promote brown coal as a „valuable raw material“ which „will remain vital in the future, too – as a partner in the energy transition“.

In order to comply with the 1.5 degree limit agreed in the Paris climate protection agreement, only a residual budget of approx. 70 million tons of brown coal may be mined in the Garzweiler opencast mine. Excavating the coal under Lützerath is accelerating the climate crisis, which is already claiming countless lives. Anyone who touches Lützerath is a climate criminal!

Netzdemo Portal will launch an online protest in support of the fight for Lützerath and #ZADRheinland against RWE Power AG on
November 18th, 2022
Join the online protest:

Global Climate Strike September 25

On September 25th 2020, thousands of climate strikes will take place across the globe to demand urgent action to tackle the climate crisis. Join the strike!

This year, world leaders and big polluters hope we’ll stay silent. They want us to go back to business as usual. But our youth’s non-stop actions show otherwise, reminding the world once again that we will not be prisoners of injustice. We stand together to say – our future is going to be bright because we won’t let things go back to business as usual.

COVID-19 may have paused the world in its tracks, but the climate crisis continues unless fossil fuels are kept in the ground. Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon surpassed 10,000 square kilometers in 2019, the highest recorded figure since 2008, according to the latest data from Brazil’s national space research institute.

Companies in JBS’s supply chain are potentially responsible for the destruction of about 300 square kilometers of forest each year for exported beef. JBS’ inability to control its Brazilian beef supply chains is responsible for deforestation in the Amazon and the loss of lands belonging to indigenous people. We are holding JBS accountable.

Online, or on the streets, your participation in the global climate strikes is crucial. Learn from Fridays for Future about how you can get involved. On 25th September, demonstrations and manifestations will take place all across the globe, all adjusted to COVID-19 circumstances.

Netzdemo Portal continues the online demonstration in support of #AmazonCeaseFire against JBS meat industries on September 25th, 2020.

Join the online protest:

Online Protest against JBS Meat Industry

JBS is the world’s biggest meat packing company and single biggest supplier of beef, chicken and leather globally, with 350,000 customers in more than 150 countries. JBS has been repeatedly linked to suppliers found to be engaging in illegal deforestation in the region and operating illegally on protected Indigenous lands.

In July 2020, Amnesty International, with Réporter Brasil, revealed that cattle illegally grazed in protected areas of the Amazon state of Rondonia had entered the JBS supply chain. Fires and deforestation continue to take place on properties in JBS’ supply chain despite the company’s policies and international commitments.

JBS’ inability to control its Brazilian beef supply chains is responsible for deforestation in the Amazon and the loss of lands belonging to indigenous people. We will hold JBS accountable.

Netzdemo Portal will launch an online protest in support of #AmazonCeaseFire against JBS meat industries on September 18th, 2020, starting at 08:00 CEST

Join the online protest:

High time for online demonstrations

Happy Earth Day everyone! The world has changed a lot in the past few weeks, and this means the climate movement has had to change too. Mobilizations and climate strikes have had to be cancelled, meetings are being moved online and campaigns are being put on hold. It is vitally important to take urgent action to slow the spread of the corona virus, in order to protect those most vulnerable in our society and to avoid massive hospitalization.

The climate crisis does not take a break even during the pandemic. Earth has already heated up by more than one degree Celsius. The catastrophic consequences for millions of people worldwide can no longer be overlooked. Therefore, commitment to better climate protection is necessary – and possible – even in times of Corona!

There are many things we can do from home, to demonstrate solidarity, fight for justice, and to keep the global climate movement strong. It is high time for online demonstrations!

Global Climate Strike, 24 April 2020
Global Climate Strike: share a photo or video of yourself with the hashtag #ClimateStrikeOnline to keep pushing for climate justice, even if you’re in lockdown or self-isolation. In Germany – join the massive online climate strike organized by Fridays for Future and register now on the strikers‘ online map. There will be a „Livestream for Future“ starting at 12 p.m. In social media use hashtags #FightEveryCrisis and #NetzstreikFürsKlima. Use the profile picture generator from Fridays for Future to get your strike profile picture. More details about the online climate strike in Germany.

Online March against BAYER & Syngenta, 25 April
On April 25 from 2pm to 4pm (UTC +2), we will let Syngenta, BAYER & Co. hear our message on all of their public platforms. Whether as a rating of their apps in the App Store, as a comment in front of their headquarters on Google Maps, as a Facebook post or old school by letter – everyone can participate. Together we will bring the power of 2000 demonstrators together at #WebAgainstSyngenta! More details about #WebAgainstSyngenta here.

Online Protest BAYER general meeting, 28 April
Broadcast time 9:30 a.m. live-online statement from the „coordination against BAYER dangers“ (CBG) and online ralley before the start of the BAYER general meeting (BAYER-HV), with: umbrella organization of critical shareholders, Block BAYER and much more. Online statement by the international protest alliance under hashtag #stopBayerMonsanto to conclude the BAYER-HV (broadcasting time depends on the end of the voting). More information about the online protest against Bayer-Monsanto here.

Global Climate Strike – Sep. 20-27

Every Friday this year classrooms have grown quiet while streets worldwide have come to life again with the chants and cries of a new generation of climate activists. What started as a one-person protest by Greta Thunberg has grown to a movement of millions sacrificing their #FridaysForFuture in over 160 countries in at least 2000 locations.

In a powerful call to action published in The Guardian school strike organisers are calling on people of all ages to join them in the next massive Global Climate Strikes in September starting on September 20.

Read more about the Global Climate Strike and join in here!

There will be demonstrations and events in many German cities during #Klimastreik on September 20.

#FridaysForFuture asks all generations to take part in the global climate strike, to colleagues and employers, to parents and neighbors, to colleagues and employees, to teachers and scientists, athletes and jobseekers, creative people and apprentices: All for Climate – #AlleFürsKlima.

Our house is on fire — let’s act like it. We demand climate justice for everyone.

Another end of the world is possible

The end of the world. It’s already here. After the coal commission disaster with its shameful concessions for a coal exit in 2038 and the bad deal to protect the Hambacher forest in return for the demolition of the villages at the Garzweiler opencast mine, the fight for the climate against the interests of RWE and an increasingly authoritarian state must be continued all the more resolutely. At the worldwide #FridaysForFuture demonstrations – and in the Hambacher forest.

On March 25, 2019 there was again a massive and very repressive police operation in Hambacher forest. This resulted in a massive attack on the „crow’s nest“ (Krähennest) occupation – against the tree house residents, who legitimately defended themselves against police repression. According to various sources, there are no plans for an immediate further eviction of the tree houses. However, this provocation should manifest the fact that the fight for the Hambacher forest has by no means been won by the climate movement.

The worldwide protests of the young generation who fight for their future every Friday,
initiated by the Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, have given hope that another end of the world is possible. School children have begun to stand up for climate justice and for their future. The young generation has understood that their personal future will be impacted by climate change making Earth uninhabitable. They are not ready to accept this. Greta requests that people strike in front of their closest town hall, every Friday. With a sign, take a picture and post it with the hashtags

We from Netzdemo Portal are in solidarity with the striking school children and students. We suggest to extend the strike. Become a part of the Friday For Future movement. From everywhere – in the office, at home, on the train: every Friday join the online protest against RWE. By using ZDEMO ATTAC. You can download ZDEMO ATTAC here. Use ZDEMO every friday. Post it with hastag #Netzdemo.

Online Protest against RWE continues

RWE stop deforestation of Hambach Forest and Leave Coal in the Ground!

Join the Online Protest against RWE from here:

The online protest continues until the mass ralley „Save the forest! Stop coal!“ on 6th October 2018 starting at 12 noon at Buir train station, Hambach Forest. The environmental associations BUND, Campact, Greenpeace and NaturFreunde of Germany are calling for the demo to send RWE a clear stop signal before the possible start of deforestation from 15 October 2018. Ende Gelände joins the mass ralley on 6th October with their own action.

Action Update on 4 October 20:00

Until now 50 people have taken part in the Online Demonstration against RWE Power AG, an electronic civil disobedience action!Spread the word and continue the clicking automate – we need to be many!

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Posted at
Online Protest gegen RWE: Stopp Rohdung des Hambacher Forsts

Online Protest against RWE: Stop Clear-cutting Hambach Forest

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In 2017, the climate justice movement was able to stop the wood clearing of the Hambach Forest for the mining pit for an entire clearing season 2017/2018 (October to March) by protests and legal complaints. It looks like RWE became afraid that the occupation of the forest by climate activists would prevent the wood clearing a second time. At the same time the coal commission started negotiations in Berlin to phase out coal mining and burning in Germany.

RWE and the police have started the clearing in the Hambach Forest since September, 6th. The police continued the eviction of the forest residents and destroyed tree houses of the Hambach Forest occupation. Hundreds of people came to Aktion Unterholz on Sept. 15th and built up the destroyed infrastructure and tree houses. A young journalist, died on Sept. 19th in Hambach Forest. The accident happened in the threatening situation by the intervention of the police in the occupied forest.

RWE remains unpunished for mining coal and destroying the climate. With this action of electronic disobedience we target RWE’s websites and attempt to cause the temporary suspension of their service. RWE is not allowed to disturb the residents inside the Hambi any further. RWE must stop clear-cutting the Hambach Forest immediately and put an end to lignite extraction.

Netzdemo Portal will launch an online protest in support of the Hambach Forest occupation #HambiBleibt, Ende Gelände and UntenLassen – climate justice actions – on the RWE Power AG websites on October 4th, 2018, starting at 8 o’clock in the morning.

Join the online protest:

Online-Protest at RWE continues

Post bei
Online-Demo: Ende für RWE Strom aus Kohle

Ende Gelände issued an ultimatum to RWE on phasing out coal. RWE has until 23 August 2017 to close its open-cast mines, turn off its power stations and stop coal-based power generation.
To keep the pressure high on RWE, we from Netzdemo Portal will launch a series of online protests against the websites of RWE Power AG.

The first Online Demonstration takes place on 03 July + 04 July.

More information about the online actions for Coal Phase-Out here:

STOP deforestation of Hambach Forest and Leave Coal in the Ground!

Action Update on 03 July 21:00

Until now 150 people have taken part in the Online Demonstration against RWE Power AG, an electronic civil disobedience action! See the counter in the lower left corner in the screenshot below:

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