Global Climate Strike – Sep. 20-27

Every Friday this year classrooms have grown quiet while streets worldwide have come to life again with the chants and cries of a new generation of climate activists. What started as a one-person protest by Greta Thunberg has grown to a movement of millions sacrificing their #FridaysForFuture in over 160 countries in at least 2000 locations.

In a powerful call to action published in The Guardian school strike organisers are calling on people of all ages to join them in the next massive Global Climate Strikes in September starting on September 20.

Read more about the Global Climate Strike and join in here!

There will be demonstrations and events in many German cities during #Klimastreik on September 20.

#FridaysForFuture asks all generations to take part in the global climate strike, to colleagues and employers, to parents and neighbors, to colleagues and employees, to teachers and scientists, athletes and jobseekers, creative people and apprentices: All for Climate – #AlleFürsKlima.

Our house is on fire — let’s act like it. We demand climate justice for everyone.